Morning again,
Saturday has come around and it's time for an update - ha ha ha. It has been more of the same here, although Ian and I have managed to get into the garden and as well as mowing, edging and weeding we have got all the trellises and fences treated and he has cleaned out the gutters on the conservatory. The things you do when you have no choice. I also had a very pleasant afternoon in my shed, sowing seeds and generally thinking calm thoughts while listening to Radio 4. As far as the offspring are concerned, Stuart continues to work from home but is finding plenty to occupy himself in downtime. I'm sure there is plenty of piano playing going on but he's also re-rushed (??? is that a thing?) some of the dining chairs that the cat had shredded and is busy decorating the stairs.The dog is fully recovered I am pleased to report and Imogen went back to work on Monday. She was at her clinics this week but they have been scaled right back and next week she's going back to working on Obs & Gynae and having nightmares about it I think. Nick is back at work but Sarah is still working from home. She has managed to get remote access to work so is sharing her time between doing phone consultations for her patients and number crunching for the boffins in the lab who are working on an antibody test that works. Because they are a lab based specialty they have been told to stay there and concentrate on testing and vaccine development. Have you come across an app called 'House Party'? Imogen introduced it to me last week so the 3 households are hoping to get together on it this weekend and play some games. It's a bit like Facetime/Skype but multiple users can be on it at the same time and it has some games built in. It's a bit of fun and a good way of keeping in touch. Did you participate in the 'clap for the NHS' on Thursday? We did and I was surprised that there were some other people in our road who did it too. All the old folk sensibly stayed indoors but there were a few who came out and I could hear applause coming from the other side of the railway line and across the village. It was quite moving really. I am hoping that one of the good things that might come out of this sorry mess is support for the health service and all its workers. We can only hope. I am now going to have a trawl through our vinyl collection. Ian and I think it's a good opportunity to re-visit some of the records we haven't listened to for years. (And maybe get rid of some we will never listen to again!) He is busy sorting out photos on the computer. Now there's a job that will take a long time. Look after yourself and your family. Stay home and stay safe. Lots of love. Sharon x
1 Comment
29/3/2020 11:49:36 am
What has everyone else been up to?
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April 2021