if you are a community group, church or charity we would be delighted to provide a low-cost choir for music or flower festivals, or for special concerts to help you raise funds. For non-commercial groups we charge a small fee, currently £50, to help pay for our sheet music and other costs.
We are also available to give performances hosted by commercial organisations. For these we negotiate our fee dependent on your specific requirements.
As long as your venue can accommodate your audience and 30-40 Argus Singers, we’ll guarantee you an entertaining programme that will leave you wanting more!
We have performed in churches, parish halls, and stately homes, and our recent programmes have included works by Gershwin, Mancini, Lloyd-Webber, Queen, and Abba, as well as traditional folk songs and spirituals.
If this whets your appetite, why not get in touch using the form below, or phone us on: 0748 2749713.
We have a privacy policy which outlines how we use and care for data provided to us. You can access it here
We are also available to give performances hosted by commercial organisations. For these we negotiate our fee dependent on your specific requirements.
As long as your venue can accommodate your audience and 30-40 Argus Singers, we’ll guarantee you an entertaining programme that will leave you wanting more!
We have performed in churches, parish halls, and stately homes, and our recent programmes have included works by Gershwin, Mancini, Lloyd-Webber, Queen, and Abba, as well as traditional folk songs and spirituals.
If this whets your appetite, why not get in touch using the form below, or phone us on: 0748 2749713.
We have a privacy policy which outlines how we use and care for data provided to us. You can access it here