These notes are to help new members settle in ... and to remind old members of what is expected.
Our expectations of the choir members and choir management is set out in this pdf document and the main points are listed below.
These are fixed at the Annual General Meeting held in late April or early May and must be paid before the end of June.
Currently the annual subscription is £25. This is paid to the Treasurer by cash or cheque.
Personal Data
We require personal contact data so that we can keep members informed of choir activities - especially last minute changes to concerts or rehearsals.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation we have a privacy policy which outlines how we use and care for data provided to us. You can access the policy here and the associated "opt-in" consent form for members here.
A committee consisting of the Musical Director, Accompanist, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Music Librarian, and two choir representatives meets regularly during the year to discuss matters in connection with the choir.
If there is any matter you wish to have brought to the notice of the committee please inform a representative accordingly.
Minutes of the meetings are available from the secretary to members on request.
Rehearsals are normally held on Saturday afternoons from 2pm until 4.30pm. The rehearsal dates are published on the website and circulated to all members by email. The number and timing of rehearsals varies but we typically meet approximately fortnightly between September and July (loosely matching the school year).
During rehearsals a list is circulated to remind members of forthcoming events and to enable those who cannot attend to register their apologies.
Membership is conditional upon regular attendance. Members who have missed three consecutive rehearsals will be asked to arrange extra practice with the conductor before attending their next concert. Members are expected to submit their apologies for non-attendance to the Secretary in advance (extract from the constitution).
No member will sing in concerts unless wearing the correct uniform.
Men: black shirt, black trousers, black shoes, coloured tie (provided by the choir).
Women: black skirt/trousers, black tights if the skirt is short, black top (long or short sleeved), black shoes, coloured scarf (provided by the choir), butterfly scarf ring (provided by the choir).
Our expectations of the choir members and choir management is set out in this pdf document and the main points are listed below.
These are fixed at the Annual General Meeting held in late April or early May and must be paid before the end of June.
Currently the annual subscription is £25. This is paid to the Treasurer by cash or cheque.
Personal Data
We require personal contact data so that we can keep members informed of choir activities - especially last minute changes to concerts or rehearsals.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation we have a privacy policy which outlines how we use and care for data provided to us. You can access the policy here and the associated "opt-in" consent form for members here.
A committee consisting of the Musical Director, Accompanist, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Music Librarian, and two choir representatives meets regularly during the year to discuss matters in connection with the choir.
If there is any matter you wish to have brought to the notice of the committee please inform a representative accordingly.
Minutes of the meetings are available from the secretary to members on request.
Rehearsals are normally held on Saturday afternoons from 2pm until 4.30pm. The rehearsal dates are published on the website and circulated to all members by email. The number and timing of rehearsals varies but we typically meet approximately fortnightly between September and July (loosely matching the school year).
During rehearsals a list is circulated to remind members of forthcoming events and to enable those who cannot attend to register their apologies.
Membership is conditional upon regular attendance. Members who have missed three consecutive rehearsals will be asked to arrange extra practice with the conductor before attending their next concert. Members are expected to submit their apologies for non-attendance to the Secretary in advance (extract from the constitution).
No member will sing in concerts unless wearing the correct uniform.
Men: black shirt, black trousers, black shoes, coloured tie (provided by the choir).
Women: black skirt/trousers, black tights if the skirt is short, black top (long or short sleeved), black shoes, coloured scarf (provided by the choir), butterfly scarf ring (provided by the choir).