1. What Comes Next: 18, 4, 13, 6? 2. What Comes Next: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra? 3. What Comes Next: Q W E R T Y? 4. What Comes Next: And now for something completely different, The Holy Grail, The life of Brian? 5. What Comes Next: Brazil, Brazil, England, Brazil, West Germany? 6. What Comes Next: Avon, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire? 7. What Comes Next: Roger, John, Brian, ? 8. What Comes Next: Home, brain, heart? 9. What Comes Next: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus? 10. What Comes Next: James Callaghan, Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock?
It is good to hear from you.
We are both good, although missing our singing with Argus. Have cancelled two holidays (cruising) as have decided to stay in the U.K. There are plenty of places in the U.K. to go and see, although we have spent much time in our garden. I have done 7 hanging baskets, they are beautiful, although I say it myself. We are even doing Tesco on line and David enjoys choosing. Please take care and hope to see you all soon. Love Barbara & David xx Some good news to cheer us on our merry way.
Alison our eldest daughter, had a baby girl, Evie, August 10th, just before lunch!! 8lb7ozs. Alison and Craig have Oscar aged 3,and now a beautiful daughter. All doing well. Meet Max the Border Terrier pup who is just 10 weeks old but already at his first choir practice - even if his voice hasn’t yet broken.
Best wishes Pam Which choir member are you? I hope the link works: it's a fun quiz to see which type of chorister you are. I got Soloist - those were the days! Sx Hello Everyone, Unfortunately as you will have already anticipated we will not be starting Argus rehearsals in September. It is so disappointing that singing will be at the bottom of the list to start (especially amateur). We are booking dates from January - May 2021. Hopefully they will be able to happen. Attached are the minutes from the Zoom committee meeting we had recently. We aim to have a Zoom or Teams "speaking get together" for everyone on 5th September at 2pm. Please join us if you can. It will be great to see each other, even though it will be remotely. In the meantime take care & stay safe (& sane). Val
April 2021